Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Photo Round-up

 Here's a round-up of my #photoadayApril photos on Instagram. Again, I didn't get them all, but I'm pleased with how they turned out.

This month I'm thinking about participating in a photo challenge that's a little different...this one's focused on Fashion & Beauty, which should be fun since lately I've been challenging myself to, well, look a little more presentable and put together (more on that later).

Follow along with the hashtag #fbphotoadaymay.

1. your reflection

2. colour

3. mail

4. makes you happy
5. tiny 

6. lunch

7. shadow

9. younger you

10. cold

12. stairs

13. something you found

15. sunset

16. flower

17. something you don't like

18. hair

19. orange

20. something you drew

21. bottle

22. the last thing you bought

23. vegetable

24. something you're grateful for

25. looking down

26. black + white

27. somewhere you went

28. 1pm

29. circle

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