Monday, September 8, 2008

**I can’t believe I just blogged about Britney Spears…

Last night I watched the MTV Music Video Awards and I realized that I have no idea what is going on in the world of popular music. I say that I love music, but I had no idea who most of the artists nominated were, or just wondered how those could be the acts chosen over others I know. (I was excited to see The Ting Tings play though, even if it was just into a commercial break.)

MTV certainly does not have the cutting edge that it had in the 80’s when it was breaking barriers and setting new standards. It has become like a corporate monster machine that churns out teen idols like the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. Even the much-talked-about Britney-Madonna kiss was so staged, it had no real edge. Breaking the rules became the scripted thing to do for MTV without any real innovation or progress. What happened to the days of Rage Against the Machine climbing the stage scaffolding in protest? Or Snoop Dogg being arrested right after performing on the show?

And for the record, there must be some sort of deal with Britney Spears to resurge her career, because everyone knows this girl’s cred is in some serious need of assistance after the last year… Apparently last night was her first time winning a Moonman, and she won three. While I don’t know her new material, there is no way it could be as good as her days of red plastic jumpsuits and snake dancing. (I have to admit… I was a big fan of Brit-brit during her heyday because I was a dancer and she was a spot-on performer.)

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